
A Grassroots Production to Get Out the Vote

Hooligan Editors Peter Mostert and Zach Hinden recently cut a series of spots to get out the vote for the 2020 U.S election. The campaign was conceived by Table of Content commercial director Tom Krueger, who has been traveling through battleground states on a run-and-gun shoot, churning out spot after spot over the last few weeks on his own time.

Hooligan helped produce long-form versions of each spot, as well as cut-downs for broadcast and social. The campaign is gaining incredible traction with Super PACs, including American Bridge, Local Voices, Rural America 2020, and Pacronym.

"Harold" is the hero spot of the campaign, featuring Pennsylvania dairy farmer and lifelong Republican Harold Shaulis, who eloquently expresses how the agriculture industry and other aspects of our country have suffered under Trump’s presidency. The spot screened at an Arts for Biden fundraiser (a subdivision of the Biden campaign) with Rufus Wainwright, Herbie Hancock, Ben Folds, and other celebrities on hand.

Geared at "Bernie or Bust'' voters, “The Conversation” deploys some humorous espionage to make a serious statement: not voting is not an option.

You can see all of the spots on here.

Of course, we'd be remiss without a special shout-out to our Managing Director Rosemary Quigley and Senior Producer Lauren Basile, who were the behind-the-scenes superstars of this campaign – not only in post-producing on the Hooligan side, but also rallying the other companies to get involved and donate their talents, including Sound Lounge, Nice Shoes, and Asche & Spencer.

Production Co. Table of Content

Editorial Company: Hooligan

Color Correct: Nice Shoes

Mix: Sound Lounge

Music: Asche & Spencer

Anne Gordon